Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Blog #5

I think graphic design and page layout can be a complement to literacy education. Adding pictures or an interesting graphic can draw in students who may not respond as well to text only lessons. Graphics might help with comprehension of the lesson for all students as they see the concepts demonstrated in pictures as well as words. With the technology available in schools today, teachers have a much greater opportunity to reach more students than in the past. Computer software and applications can allow teachers to be more creative in their presentations, which help the students become, and stay, engaged. When students are interested and engaged they are more likely to learn. I think graphics and creative page layouts when included in every day lesson plans can help increase literacy and learning. Also, once created, it is easy for the teacher to make changes, so it will be easier for teachers to stay up to date and share new information with students.

I commented on Tia's Blog.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I agreee that as a teacher we need to not focus on only the students content needs but learning needs and graphics help the visual learners and keep the text interesting! well said.